Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches

Tonight's dinner was Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches. I wanted to use up some extras before they went bad (hoagie buns, cheese, steak).
I thinly sliced two onions and cooked them on medium heat with salt and pepper for about 20 minutes. Then I added two sliced bell peppers (one red and one green) and cooked the onions and peppers about 5 more minutes. In a seprate pan I cooked some thinly sliced steak (you can slice it easier if it is partially frozen) with some salt and pepper until cooked. It would probably be good with  some garlic too.

To make the sandwich I toasted some hoagie buns, then added some meat and onions and peppers and topped it with a slice of provolone cheese. And that's it! It was pretty tasty. I am looking forward to eating the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

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