Monday, May 13, 2013

DIY Ornate, Colored Earings

It seems that bright pastel colored earings are all the rage right now.  Which gave me the perfect idea for a pair of my earings who's metal has become not so silver anymore.
Paint them, a bright pastel, to cover the metal and match a sweater.

Here we go.

1- Mix or find a craft paint of desired color.  (I mixed a true blue and lime green to get aquamarine.)
2- Use masking tape to cover the hooks.
3- Paint fronts using a foam brush and small amounts of paint. Let dry; help from the blow dry makes this quick. Hint: you can get unwanted paint bubbles out from between the metal by blowing it out or using a toothpick.
4- Do the same to the backside. Let dry.

That's it.  Take off the masking tape and you're done.

Pretty cool, huh?

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