Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DIY Watering Can

I wanted to buy a watering can last year but never did.  I saw this awesome idea to make your own watering can.  Yay for FREE things!

All you need is a bottle with a lid (I used an juice bottle) and a drill with a little drill bit (mine was 1/16").

Take the lid off of the bottle and drill several holes spaced out all over the lid.  It is best to turn the lid upside down and drill from the inside so that it is well supported.  I put it on a scrap piece of wood so that my work surface didn't end up with holes in it.

Drill one or two holes in the handle of the bottle.  This allows air flow into the bottle so that you can pour water continuously.

Ta Da!  An awesome DIY watering can made in about 2 minutes.

As a note, the first time I was going to make this I tried using a hammer and nail to punch holes in the lid.  Turned out to be not such a great idea.  The lid cracked and I had to wait for us to drink more juice.  The drill worked great.

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