Thursday, April 25, 2013

Homemade Cooked Jam

I came across strawberries on sale for $1/lb!!!  So I bought several and made some jam.  I have made freezer jam before but never cooked jam.  It wasn't hard to do and I don't have to worry about them taking up space in the freezer.  You will need: fruit, sugar and pectin (not instant).  Then you just follow the directions that came with the pectin.  I made 3.5 pints (7 cups) of jam with 3 lbs of strawberries.
To "crush" my strawberries, I just threw them in the blender.  You can make them as coarse or as smooth as your family likes it.
Also, the pectin tells you to process the jam in a water bath.  I was recently told by several people that water bathing jam is not necessary, they will seal and keep just fine without.  I didn't water bath mine.  Some people turn the jars upside down to help them seal better (I was told that wasn't necessary either).  I did turn mine upside down just in case.  They sealed just fine, but my jam is now stuck at the top of my jars. :(  Maybe next time I won't turn them upside down to seal.

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