Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Remove Armpit Stains

I have quite a few undershirts that have armpit stains so I don't really like to wear them but I am too cheap to buy new ones.  Today I decided to see if I could get the stains out.  I found somethings that worked pretty well, it wasn't perfect but I would say significantly improved.  I am thinking that if I did it one more time, it would look good as new.

Here is what you need:
Hydrogen Peroxide
Blue Dawn Dishsoap
Baking Soda (optional)

Mix one part Dawn to two parts hydrogen peroxide.  I just mixed mine in a little bowl, you could mix it in a spray bottle too.  Then put a little bit of your solution on the stain (I put on enough to saturate it).  Now sprinkle on a little baking soda for added kick (if desired) and scrub it a little bit with a nail brush.  I scrubbed inside and out which may have been overkill but things were not pretty.  Let the solution sit for awhile (I let it sit about an hour) and then wash as you normally would.

Happy stain removing!

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