Friday, April 5, 2013

Grilled Pizza

It is getting warm here, that means it is time to start grilling.  One of our favorite things that we started to grill last year was pizza.  Uncle was very skeptical the first time I did it, but there has been no looking back!  Oh how we love grilled pizza at our house!

You will need pizza dough, toppings, and a grill.
We have a gas grill, we preheat it and then set it to medium heat.  
Flatten out your dough (we make 3-4 smaller pizzas) and put it on the grill (top right pic) after a few minutes (3-4) it will be cooked on the first side (top left).  When it is done on one side, take it off and put it doughy side down (we like to put it onto a cutting board) and add your toppings.  Put it back onto the grill and let it finish cooking (another 3-4 minutes).  Then you are ready to eat your awesome grilled pizza!

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