Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Day in the Life

I've laughed to myself today at how much DIY really is a part of my life. Always being on the look out for new blog material of course made all my DIY-ness stand out even more, but none the less I have already had quite the day and it's barely lunch time.       

Started out playing puppets with the kids in our Mommy-made doorway theater. Did some tablecloth heming for our neighbors. Hung some art work on the girls wall using Command -strips. Followed by a trip down the clearance at Kroger. Then came home, looked down at my shirt, and found little black spots all over it--which bleach wouldn't remove but my magic laundry soap, Fels-Naptha, took right out. I even arranged for my husband to help a friend cut some wood tonight. Phew! Now I'm off to finish our taxes.

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