Sunday, March 24, 2013

DIY Baby Bow Tie

This morning I decided to make a cute bow tie for Freddy (he's not so great at holding still for pictures yet, but still pretty darn cute!).  Here is what I came up with.

For the Bow Tie:
All seams are 1/4"
#1 Cut two pieces of fabric, one 4 1/2" by 8" and one 1 1/2" by 3"
#2 Fold the fabric in half (hot dog style, right sides together) and sew down the long side.  Do this for the big and little fabric rectangles.  I also serged the edges before sewing to keep things nice.  You could zig-zag the edge if you don't have a serger.
#3 Turn your fabric right side out, with the seam in the middle and press. Do this same thing for the little rectangle.

#4 Fold the rectangle in half (hamburger style, with seam on the outside) and sew the open edges together.  Do this same thing for the little rectangle.
#5 Turn the seam to the inside, center it and press.  Do this same thing for the little rectangle.

#6 With the big rectangle, fold it in an "M" shape.
#7 Tack it in place by hand with a needle and thread.
#8 Slide the small piece onto the bow.

For the Neck Strap:
#9 Cut a rectangle 14 1/2" by 2 1/4"
#10 Fold it in half (hot dog style) and sew a seam along the long edge and along one of the short edges (I serged the edges before).
#11 Turn it right side out (you can use your scissors, a dowel, a skewer, etc. to help).

#12 On the open edge, turn the fabric to the inside, about 1/4" and sew it closed.
#13 sew 2" pieces of velcro to the ends (opposite ends on opposite sides).
#14 Thread the strap through the loop (small rectangle) of the bow tie.  I tacked the bow tie in place with a little hot glue.

Ta Da! A cute bow tie for you little man!

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