Monday, March 25, 2013

My Miracle Stain Remover Laundry Soap

I looked down at my shirt the other day to find a big splotch of black speckless.
Of course my shirt was white, and even though I didn't know what was on my shirt I knew it had to come out.  
Running it under water didn't do anything.  Bleach didn't touch it.  
Now what?
My favorite stain remover: Fels-Naptha.
Directions: Apply soap by scrubbing. Then continue scrubbing the clothes until sudsy and the stain  begins to come out.  Rinse.  Repeat if needed.  Wash normally.

I started using Fels-Naptha when our first baby began having newborn diaper blowouts.  You know, the ones that leave yellow stains on the onesies.
The Fels-Naptha got it out.

I've gotten out lots of poop stains, years old spit-up stains, chocolate stains, strawberry stains, spaghetti sauce stains, mud stains.....

I buy the bars of Fels-Naptha at Walmart--for a DOLLAR--$1!
(It's usually with the Magic Erasers and other small bathroom cleaners.)
And it lasts a long time.

My Grammy will even use a cheese shredder and shred some into a particularly dirty load of laundry.  We have brought shreds with us on vacation to use for handwashing something in the hotel sink.
And I know its an ingredient in homemade laundry detergent.

Go try it!

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