Friday, March 22, 2013

Chicken on Demand

When chicken is on sale, I like to buy a bunch, cook it up all at once and freeze it.  It makes fixing dinner lots faster, not to mention you only have to do the chicken dishes once!
I salt and pepper the chicken and put it in baking dishes and cook it for about 45 minutes at 350 deg, or until it is cooked through.  Once it is cooked I cube it up and put about 2 cups in a sandwich sized ziploc bag and write the date on the bag.  Then I put several of the small bags into a gallon size freezer bag (the theory being that regular sandwich bags are cheaper than freezer bags and the gallon freezer bag can be reused.)
Today I tried something new.  I shredded some of the chicken with the Kitchen Aid (cookie beater).  Just throw a few of the cooked chicken breasts in and run it for a minute or so on the second or third speed.  If you want shredded chicken, it is quite a bit faster than doing it by hand.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I've never thought of letting the Kitchen Aid do the work. That's awesome. I'm ready to tackle another batch of chicken then. With a little less time and energy commitment. Good thinking.
