Thursday, March 21, 2013

DIY Newspaper seed starting pots

I decided to try and plant my garden from seeds this year instead of buying plants from the nursery.  The first step is to plant the seeds. Instead of buying a planting tray from the store, I made little newspaper pots for free!  (Or at least we already paid for the newspaper.)  Here's how:

You need black and white newspaper pages (the colored ones might have metal in the ink) and
a straight sided jar or glass that is 2-3" in diameter (I had a baby food jar handy).

Fold the newspaper in half the long way (hot dog style) two times.

Then take your jar/glass and wrap the newspaper tightly around it.  You want the open end of the jar about in the middle of your newspaper strip.

Here it is all wrapped.

Next, fold down the edges of the newspaper to the inside of the jar.
It will look like this:

Take the newspaper off of the jar,

and press down your folded up edge to make the bottom of your "pot"

If you need to, you can use the flat (bottom) side of the jar to press the bottom down to make it a little more solid.

And there you have your little DIY newspaper pot ready for some soil and a seed!


  1. umm hello .... just snooping around and wanted to let you know I think this is a genius idea! But, you already know how I feel about you and your awesome ideas! I think your amazing.
